Saaremaa cream cheese with wild garlic pesto lactose free


Ingredients: cream cheese (pasteurized cream, pasteurized milk, pasteurized skimmed milk, sourdough, rennet), shallot pesto 5% (fully hydrogenated vegetable fat (palm, rapeseed), salt, shallot (5%), onion, garlic, herbs, fragrance - and seasoning, spice), milk protein, stabilizers: carrageenan, carob flour; sugar, salt.

100 g of product contains on average: energy content 1250 kJ/303 kcal, fats 29.7 g, of which saturated fatty acids 17.3 g; carbohydrates 4.5 g, of which sugars 3.6 g; proteins 4.4 g, salt 1.2 g.